Thank you for this amazing life-changing work!! It’s good for me to reflect and acknowledge everything that has changed this week (in Manifesting Mastery).
I have actually been at home in bed with the flu and haven’t been this sick since I was a little girl! But the day that I started to realize how much meaning I was putting to me being sick and experiencing aches and pains really shifted things!
My body is a huge trigger for me! I noticed I was saying things like “oh I’m sick because I don’t take care of myself” or “why am I missing out on the $$ (at work)” and on and on….so after really spending the time to unravel my imagined meaning, my mind really felt a lot freer! And my spirit was lighter, and then being sick was almost fun because I get to lay in bed watching movies and having me time!
Another huge shift was around my apartment. See, we’ve been living in a basement apartment for two years now and all I’ve done is complain about how there’s no light and the air is stale, etc. And I started noticing just how much I do that everyday and how much meaning I put behind it, so I started to tell myself none of it means anything! THEN! A miracle!
My landlord called me totally out of the blue and says she’s giving us a new refrigerator, fixing the wall in our bathroom and checking for mold!, and putting in a window!
And she said how much she loved having us and hopes we end up staying 🙂 so as I type this there is a company at our place fixing things up!!! Amazing!!!
So that’s my big news for now…oh one more thing– I was doing a feel-it-real session for my health (in my session I was healthy doing yoga and feeling great) then as I was doing that, my body started getting rid of a lot of the mucus (sorry haha) that was causing me a headache!!!
And I instantly felt better!
Thank you for having me reflect so I can see just how much has happened even while I’m in bed with the flu! Amazing! One question: is it wrong to be truthful and say out loud that I have the flu? Or is that just me creating that even more for myself? That one kind of trips me up….the balance between being honest about what’s happening and what I want to be!
Thank you so much! I’m really looking forward to the rest of the program!!!
All the best,
Nicole M. from Manifesting Mastery
Day 7 Update – January 7 2015
Stop Repeating The Past – Stop Being Stuck in the Slow Lane – Join us and Geri in Manifesting Mastery – Click Here
PS: Feel free to share! I get blessed and inspired hearing people’s breakthroughs 🙂 Things keep getting better — our landlord called again saying now we are getting a whole new bathroom with a bathtub (that is very important to me) and another window in our bedroom plus all the other stuff! Amazing!
“One question: is it wrong to be truthful and say out loud that I have the flu? Or is that just me creating that even more for myself? That one kind of trips me up….the balance between being honest about what’s happening and what I want to be!”
I’d love to hear an answer to this as well. Often in the evenings after a long day I’m tired and too exhausted to do much. When asked if I’m ok I say yes, just tired. I suspect this isn’t helping and creating more of the same, but lying doesn’t feel right.
Hi Matt,
Nothing wrong with that.
Try this on…
“I am a healthy person who is sitting down.” (I can honestly say that, because I am – healthy and sitting down.”
Now try this on….
“I am a healthy person who has been experiencing the flu.” (You can honestly say that. And if you notice “fast enough” you’ll notice that you may or may not be experiencing “the flu” in any particular instant.)
Have fun with that.
With “tired”. Tired is an interesting one.
I tend to notice, “It’s time to rest” – has heaps less baggage than “I am tired.”
Because there are times, that it is – time to rest.
“I am” on the other hand, can do or experience just about anything – while the body rests.
Blessings mate,
TT and V