Hi Mr.Twenty Twenty;
I just wanted to tell you about a couple of things that have happened in the last 24 hours which caused me to reflect on a couple of Neville techniques that I did.
I listened to a recording which talked about identifying ourselves as the person we wanted to be. I have played the piano for fun off and on for years. I love jazz but have not been able to play it. I finally started taking lessons to learn how to play jazz last year. After listening to your recording, I decided to identify myself as a jazz keyboard player because that is my heart’s desire.
Last night after another one of my music classes, the director of the music school pulled me aside and invited me to come and play the keyboard for the school’s jazz band. This jazz band is a class where there is a fee. I told the director that I wanted to participate but the fee was an issue. He told me that he wanted me to play in the band and that he would waive the fee until someone offered to pay to play. Needless to say, I’m quite giddy over this invitation. I’m still pinching myself.
Also, listening to another recording where Neville said he was shaving and basically speaking good fortune into the life of a friend by saying to his wife something to the effect “isn’t it wonderful about the good fortune of……..”. Well, I thought about a friend who’s been struggling financially and wants to switch his occupation to a potentially more lucrative field that he thoroughly enjoys. I just pretended that I was speaking to someone in the room and said “isn’t it wonderful that………got that great contract.
That was last week. That friend took a few hours away from his job this morning and went to interview with a potential client that could provide long term income in his preferred field. This afternoon I called him about another matter and he told me that the interview went very well and he and his new client have scheduled several large projects to begin shortly. After I hung up the phone, I knew I had to write you.
I have to acknowledge that I did these two things which Neville talked about, and I’m amazed at how quickly and how beautifully these situations turned out. I’m still studying and I’m excited about what will happen next.
Thank you so much Mr. Twenty Twenty for helping people change their lives.
Joyce is on lesson 26 of our 90 day Manifesting Mastery program. If you want to explore manifesting at a whole new level and get rid of old habits and programming that gets in your way then join us. Manifesting Mastery – Click here – For less than the price of a cheap cup of coffee a day you can totally transform your world. Blessings!