So in tuesday’s article – we explored a few of the details you need to get just right – so you don’t Feel The Hunger – but instead Feel It Ral.
BECAUSE feeling it real – is the key. A feel good day dream doesn’t last – and doesn’t create what you want in your life, and it leaves you craving more.
But what if you are totally Following The Formula – what if your sessions still leave you with a hunger?
Let’s peek under the hood for a few moments.
I was recently doing a coaching session with a client – who wanted to manifest having a specific amount of money in the bank. She told me that she still felt hunger, that she still felt that something was missing EVEN after doing a perfect session.
(We took about 5 minutes and discovered that yes, she was following the methods to a T, she had dealt with hidden guilt, and she had worked through her fears – so what gives?)
- NOTE: Neville says that the imaginal act NEVER fails to produce in your life – what it is you REALLY want. So we worked through a set of questions we’ve designed to help you discover what you really want. And this is what happened.
“It’s not the money in the bank I want (that’s just a part of it), it’s the feeling of being competent with money, it’s about feeling financially secure.”
During the session, Janice spontaneously remembered that he father was always telling her Mom that she was incompetent with money, and as a child, she attached those feelings and qualities to herself – something that kept holding her back for the next 43 years.
So her sessions shifted from “being congratulated by the banker on being a big account holder” and from her friends congratulating her on her business success (those scenes did imply she had the money – both scenes felt good – but didn’t fully feel real – they didn’t satisfy her hunger because they still didn’t give her what she needed). And they shifted into Janice being congratulated by her parents – of being so good with money, investments and business.
And of course, everything shifted – because she identified what it is she TRULY wanted – and she chose to live faithfully in the state which ended her hunger. As Neville says:
“Many a person will say they want something today, but forget about it a week later. I am not speaking about some little magical thing where you can wave a wand and your desire will suddenly appear. This law is based upon a principle. If you want something, you can have it, but you must be willing to give up what you are now in order to be what you want to be. That is the only price you pay. No sacrifice is required outside of giving up the state in which you find yourself and moving into the state where you want to be, for they are only states.” – Neville Goddard
We have just entered into a new year. It’s time for you to let go of the past states you have lived in – and to do what it takes to live in the state of the wish fulfilled. Follow The Formula and dive in.
Many Blessings,
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
Instead of making yet another New Years Resolution – Join us in the 90 Day Manifesting Mastery Program – Click Here and make 2014 your best year ever.
Follow The Formula – Click here
What a perfect way to start the New Year right. Thank you so much Twenty and Victoria! Happy New Year!
In evrything u do,u do not mention the Holy Spirit,the anointing of the spirit,it's power,or the Lordship of Jesus Christ. There is truth missing in ur theaching also Goddard theaching.I have read most of his books
do you think channeling sexual energy would help to nevillize? thank you.
Love this post….thank you TT and V!
Hi Zach,
Working on a very cool project on this right now. Something really really cool. Keep your eyes peeled, and watch your inbox mate. Good question.
TT (and V too)