Good day Mr TT and V,
Thank you for your dedication and sharing your knowledge. it is profoundly appreciated.
Here is an update on what has been going on with me.
I agree with Victoria when she shared (in Manifesting Mastery) that it was difficult for her to see through her own eyes, I was having the same challenges when it came to seeing through my own eyes, but the electric slide and the shadow exercises (in week 3) make things much easier. I am able now to use them and do my exercise with ease.
I love the fact that I can visualize my hand within my partner’s hand and that also made things better, and this week end, life brought me the person I was expecting into my life.
I have been creating my best relationship and the manifestation of my ideal partner just showed up. it is still new but the feeling that I wanted to have when I was with my partner is what became. I felt fulfilled, the calm and poise that I wanted was present. it was like I have design it. I know I did (lol) for I was practicing for a while. It is amazing!
We have been talking for a while, but I always put off our meeting, for I believed someone else that I was into but who was not into me was the one for me so I will accept all his excuses after excuses. Then a a situation came up with him which made me realized that he was not the person I was creating.
So I decide to give a chance to the one who was waiting for me patiently and I was nicely surprised, for the new person turned out to be more like what I was visualizing.
This truly works.
Thank you and I will keep you guys posted on my new found relationship.
Suzanne – Day 21 – Manifesting Mastery
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