“Since listening to Neville and reading your books, I have started worrying that I am going to manifest bad things, since I worried so much before. Can you help me get out of this cycle?” – Tim F.
We all have made mistakes, we all have fallen before into the temptation of worry, and the fantasies of fear. The good news is that you are responsible for what you create with the amazing power that you are – from here forward. And the great news is, all shortcomings can be forgiven – except for one.
Today we share what Neville teaches about the power of Forgiveness. Forgiveness unleashes the power of grace, and grace allows you to begin again – to manifest – to create – to generate what you choose in the world.
“You forgive another (the same way your forgive yourself) by thinking of him as you would like him to be and persuading yourself of the reality of your imaginal act. You are forgiving him for what he appears to be by putting him into an entirely different state. Do that and you are substituting a noble concept for an ignoble one. That’s forgiveness! Forgiveness tests the individual’s ability to enter into and partake of the nature of the opposite.” – Neville Goddard
POWER POINT: When you totally place another into a much more noble state than the one in which he has fallen, you forgive him for what he APPEARS to be, not for what he is. The fallen state that you or another appears to be – is not the real you. It is just a state that has been fallen into.
Remember, you are NEVER the state you have fallen into, you are much greater than any state – because YOU can choose or create any state in your life starting right now. (For more details on this part of the lesson, read what we share with Neville in the book – FREEDOM – Neville Goddard Simplified #3.)
HOW TO DO IT: You also can completely forgive yourself for what you have unleashed in the world during moments of fear and doubt, by fully entering into the new more ideal state that you choose. Just remember to totally FORGET the old state, leave it behind, bury it so deep that you don’t even remember where to find it or what it was like. Neville says:
“Forgive her by so losing yourself in the idea of her new state that it is all you can remember, and not the former one. (If you) Keep thinking of her in the former state, you have pulled her back into it, for there are only states, externalized.” – Neville Goddard
Why does this work every time? Are there any limits to forgiveness?
“The only thing that cannot be forgiven is the sin against the Holy Ghost, which is man’s doubt in the power of God.” – Neville Goddard on Faith
Have faith in the power that you are. Have faith in your wonderful human imagination. Do this, and you can forgive and you can be forgiven of everything. With the amazing power of you imagination – which is one with god, you can change the world. But if you doubt your power – the power of the human imagination – it all stops dead. For you are the operant power.
Remember, Faith is loyalty to the unseen. Remain loyal to your vision. Come from the state of the wish fulfilled. Notice today, if you are reacting to the world as the IDEAL YOU you have chosen to be. And if your imagination strays, and your reactions come from a less than ideal state – then practice forgiveness – Neville Goddard style.
Have an amazing day!
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
FREEDOM – Neville Goddard Simplified #3
Neville Goddard In His Own Voice – The Firm Foundations Series – Click here
Recording: You Create The State – Click Here
For quite a long time I was manifesting things I did not want in my life simply because I was allowing doubt and fear to rule my mind. It was like living in a hell that I didn’t know how to get out of.
The key for me was to stop my mind from overrunning me with fear. To do that I would simply say “NO!”, or “Get thee behind me Satan!” or sometimes a simple “Cancel” would do the trick whenever fear or a negative thought would arise. Eventually it lost all power and I was able to simply look at a thought when it arose and not worry about it, and it would go away.
I also prayed extensively for help.. we are not meant to do this by ourselves.. and as Neville teaches, I imagined what my life would be like once I was the person I wanted to be. I felt it as already real, and it became real for me in due course.
As Neville said above, “The only thing that cannot be forgiven is the sin against the Holy Ghost, which is man’s doubt in the power of God.” When we begin to allow doubt and fear to take over we cut ourselves off from our own Divine Nature and we are at the mercy of our minds.. and that can be enormously difficult to escape from. Hence his saying that it cannot be forgiven. Personally I believe it can because it has been so in my life.. but one often needs to work their way back to positive thinking and living and it can be a long and arduous journey.. but it is not impossible.
God loves us unquestioningly and enormously and wants to give us the keys to the Kingdom, but we have to ask.. and stay the course until we receive it. “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved”. Matthew 24:13
Hello Mr T.T. i m taking ACIM (A Course In Miracles )lesson too.. forgiveness is same and there but the imagination …….did you know about the course and help me to understand forgiveness(OR RECOMMEND ) with or without ” IMAGINATION”
Hi Stefan,
There are many many ways that ACIM and Neville Compliment each other. The course is devoted to waking us up from the dream, which is very much like Neville’s share of “The Promise”.
Meanwhile, as we awaken from the dream, we get to experience miracles – or grow beyond the need to experience miracles. Very much like how Neville shares the law
Explore imagination as consciousness – part of the one mind of the sonshiip, and let us know what you discover.
Blessings mate,
TT and V
Agreed John,
The only way to forgive that unforgivable sin – is to STOP doing it – and use the power that we are.
As Neville says, we are the operant power.
TT and V