“I am pregnant!”
“You’re pregnant?!”
So you are imagining – getting pregnant – having a baby.
And the ONE THING…
That’s almost always happens is….
“I am so frustrated!”
Maybe you’ve noticed…
- Many women who are trying to have a baby FEEL FRUSTRATED.
Some even – FEEL ALL ALONE – like they are “in this” by themselves.
(Even when they KNOW they have a loving partner by their side.)
“It just doesn’t seem like he REALLY understands….. Maybe, he really doesn’t want a baby….”
When all that shows up…
Almost impossible….
(We are gonna TOTALLY eliminate that today….)
Because if you don’t….
Then the ENDLESS questions pop up….
- “Why isn’t this working?”
- “What’s wrong?”
- “What’s wrong with ME?”
- “Why do I feel this way, this should be easy.”
- “Can I even have a baby?”
- “What if something is REALLY WRONG and I can’t have a baby?”
- “WHAT IF it’s because of what I did before – what happened long long ago….”
And if your INNER CONVERSATIONS and “self talk” go CRAZY…..
(THAT SUCKS, and it sucks the LIFE out of your love life – your manifesting – your everything.)
Let’s change all that TODAY….
So here’s what Mr Twenty Twenty did. He started talking to his clients, he started talking to women at the shops, in the markets, and at the dog park. Mommies with babies, those he thought were Mommies “for some reason” (and who turned out to be), and those who WANTED SO BAD – to be a mommy – but were having a hard time with it all.
He’d let them talk, and he’d ask them – some very simple – lovely – revealing questions….
And he started noticing PATTERNS in what they told him, in what they believed as TRUE.
- Those who had easy pregnancies….
- Those who got pregnant easy….
- Those who did that AGAIN AND AGAIN….
They all kept saying the same things to him.
Things that revealed WHAT THEY ACTUALLY IMAGINE….
- About getting pregnant…
- About being a Mom…
- About their relationship…
- About all kinds of things…..
It got UTTERLY FASCINATING when he noticed stuff you wouldn’t even THINK would matter – come up – time and time again in conversation. Stuff that reveals – what ELSE they truly are imagining and accepting as REAL.
You’re going to hear all about that in just a few moments.
Because all that – is going to TOTALLY CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
But first, let’s take a peek at what you are getting today inside your INSTANT DOWNLOAD of “I Am Pregnant”
The “I Am Pregnant” RECORDING – SIXTY SOLID MINUTES – No Fluff – No filler.
(Download it instantly – listen to it in minutes!)
Now… That’s THE MAIN MEAL of the program.
And in the amount of time it takes you to watch another rerun, you’ll know EXACTLY what you need to know – need to do – and need to NOT DO.
And you won’t be making the mistakes most people make.
BIG BONUS #1: You also are getting the Soulful Sex Summit Interview…
TT did back in 2014. It dovetails PERFECTLY with “I am Pregnant” and it GUARANTEES that “making a baby” isn’t gonna become WORK that you and your partner feel weird about.
BIG BONUS #2: You are also getting THE I AM PREGNANT HANDBOOK.
It’s not MASSIVE. It’s straightforward and to the point. It’s TT’s private notes – streamlined and segmented – so you get HEAPS more from the recordings.
(You can read these on your computer – smart phone or tablet… But we’d suggest printing them if you can…. You’ll see why….)
You also are getting THE MAIN 60 minute recording I AM PREGNANT – broken into SEVEN very specific SPEEDY SEGMENTS.
That way – you can dive deeper into ALL the important bits – easily and quickly. We’ve found in the past – making these SUPER SPEEDY SEGMENTS super easy to listen to – MAKES DIVING DEEPER so much easier. It’s time…
Let’s take a tiny side trip for a moment….
(Why this works…. What it is… What it isn’t….)
TT has a fascinating way of noticing – what most people miss – when it comes to “how people think” – what they believe – how they process / imagine their world to be.
He got his start doing this professionally in Law Enforcement. It began in a NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming extended training for Law Enforcement Professionals – Advanced Interview and Interrogation back in 1988.
This training was run by a fascinating man who was trained to teach NLP and who also was trained by the team that trains FBI profilers and hostage negotiators. PB, the trainer, told him that if he mastered these skills (which he has in the past 30 years) that people would tell him ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING he ever needs to know to get the job done.
(Back when he was in Law Enforcement, he used these skills to take bad guys who did bad things off the streets – making families safer. Then he used these skills to begin to heal himself from Post Traumatic Stress disorder back in the 90s. Now he uses them to “mind hack” what he needs – to create more and more excellence and success in life. And now, he’s used those skills – to help you have your baby.)
He can’t promise you a baby.
(Promising THAT would be against the law.)
(And it also would be silly….)
But he can promise you that you’ll be 100% satisfied with these recordings, the bonuses, and the handbook. So satisfied that you will enjoy listening to them time and time again – and that what you learn in I AM PREGNANT will AMP UP ALL your manifesting – even getting pregnant – in the most lovely way.
But right now, before DIVING IN…..
- Promise us you will send us photos…
- Imagine doing that RIGHT NOW….
Because we want YOU AND YOUR BABY to be part of this amazing program. (So even more Mommies are blessed!)
PS: Imagine your Success Story and photos here in the next year!
“Begin now to practice the art of imagining every day. A concert pianist must constantly practice. for if he does not and he is called upon to give a concert he would not be ready.”
“You must practice the art of imagining day after day so that when you are faced with a problem you will not put it aside, but will do something about it.” – Neville Goddard