“The past keeps haunting me every time I try to do my feel it real sessions. I am not a bad man, I just have made mistakes and when I think of them, I can’t think of how what I want could possibly happen. It’s like all I can think about is that it won’t because of mistakes I made the past. Please help me.” – Tony
Hi Tony,
Let’s dive into the words of Neville for an answer today mate.
“Do not ask yourself how this thing is going to be. It does not matter if your reason denies it. It does not matter if all the world round about you denies it. You do not have to bury the old. “Let the dead bury the dead.” You will so bury the past by remaining faithful to your new concept of Self that you will defy the whole vast future to find where you buried it.” – Neville Goddard
Notice what Neville has to say about denial. There are three kinds of denial. And two of them don’t matter one bit. It does not matter what reason denies. It does not matter what the world around you denies. What does matter, is what you deny.
- Reason might deny your blessing – by telling you it is impossible “because” of something in the past. Ignore it. Be indifferent.
- The world might deny your blessing – by telling you it isn’t true – because it is not physical yet. Ignore it. Be indifferent.
- But for you to be blessed fully, all you need to do is to deny it – turn your back on the past – turn away from it (this is what “to repent” means) – and fully enter into your new concept of self.
Today’s secret weapon: The 7 Special State Questions.
Ask yourself these questions daily. Print them out. They will help you fill your mind with what is right and good – and they will crowd out all the “monkey mind” stuff that gets in the way.
- What is the man / woman you choose to be like? Who is he like?
- What do they do with their time? (Do what they do – with your time.)
- What do they look for and see in the world?
- How do they sound when they speak?
- What do they speak about?
- What do they think about as they are waking up – working during the day – falling asleep at night?
- How else could I be more like that man / woman right now?
Have fun exploring these. Notice something simple. If you print out these questions and get into the habit of asking yourself THEM during the day, your “monkey mind” won’t have the time to “dig up the dirt” on you. That’s why the 7 Special State questions work. Print them out, use them daily, and notice how easy it is to take control of your imagionation – and live the life of your dreams.
Go for it! Feel your ideal as real,
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
Join in the 90 Day Experiment to Take Control Of Your Imagination for Good – Click here.
You will so bury the past by remaining faithful to your new concept of Self that you will defy the whole vast future to find where you buried it.” – Neville Goddard.
THAT is IT, Twenty Twenty~ That is the passage I've been looking for for days now! Thank you!
Timed to perfection BTW! Many thanks!!!