“Here is a question for you that I have been struggling with. I have two very distinct goals I would like to manifest. I currently make my living selling condos for a large builder. We have a group of smaller condos that are moving slowly so the company is offering its sales people a large bonus to sell them. The buyers seem to be scarce for this product but I know they are out there. Having that extra money would allow me to pay off some old bills.
In my free time I am writing a book that I envision will be an inspiration to thousands and will lead me to a successful writing and coaching career. It is truly my passion. So here’s the question: In the Feel It Real sessions, do I add both goals together in one session or should I work solely on the most pressing goal, in this case the desire to be free of these old debts? I tend to get distracted easily and I know the feeling needs to be powerful in order to create results. Many thanks for your guidance!
Great question mate,
Let’s begin with correcting one of the common mistakes people make, that you mention in your letter. The mistake is that the feeling must be powerful in order to create results. The feeling you need doesn’t have to feel powerful, it needs to feel NATURAL, like it is a natural (“of course”) part of your life, your daily affairs. (Of course, some events will feel powerful, like winning a sporting event etc., but most events you choose to manifest just need to feel like a natural part of your daily life.)
So what would your day be like – naturally – if both those outcomes were true in your life? What feelings would you feel during your typical – natural day?
What scene could you construct that would IMPLY that both of those have been done and come true?
EXAMPLE: I constructed problems – that I would encounter IF my scene were true. Here is one. I am right now, considering teaching kung fu again. The problem – which I imagined years ago is this. Which system do I choose to teach? I am a master or advanced trainer in several very different systems, and so my problem is “which one” do I teach?
This scene, which I imagined first over 20 years ago, had given birth to the circumstance that I now have – which is do I teach the Shaolin Mok / Li Choy system, or do I teach Internal Kung Fu. What a great problem to have, what a great way for me way back then, to IMPLY that I had gotten to a very high skill level of both.
EXAMPLE 2: You could imagine the joy of going to the bank, having multiple checks from your incomes that you mentioned above. Figuring out how much to put in your personal account, and how much to put in your special account for your taxes. This kind of scene implies plenty of checks, plenty of income, and plenty more coming in.
“All that we do in constructing the waking dream is to select from the vast array of sensory impressions those, which, when they are properly arranged, imply that we have realized our desire. With the dream clearly defined we relax in a chair and induce a state of consciousness akin to sleep. A state which, although bordering on sleep, leaves us in conscious control of the movements of our attention. Then we experience in imagination what we would experience in reality were this waking dream an objective fact.” – Neville Goddard Quote
Many blessings to you today mate,
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
Dial it up a level higher. Continue building on what you have learned today with these two massive life transforming packages:
- The Neville Goddard Prosperity Pack – Click Here– Detailed Lessons on How to create more and more wealth in your life.
- The Feel It Real Power Pack – How to Feel It Real Right and Get The Results You Want – Click Here
This question and advice were timely. I too have been going back and forth between two goals, which appeared contradictory. Thanks to you both!
I have two scenes involving the same “desire.” One scene I would consider to be in the “near future” although there is no time specified and is a “congratulatory scene.” The second scene is much later down the road (I’m hoping) and a brief 30 second action. They both feel very natural…the second one just FEELS like its a couple years from now, the first one feels like it could be weeks or months from now. Should I just pick one? Will I get the same results using either scene?
Hi Meg,
Play with both. Having more than “one point in time” imply your wish has been fulfilled AMPS UP the results.
Good one.
TT and V