UPDATED 11 Jan 2023
Hey mate,
Today’s Free Neville Goddard quote and lesson…
“They took up stones to throw at him (Jesus), because he had offended them, that he had blasphemed the name of God for he claimed ‘I am God.’ That was blasphemy on their level and they took up stones to throw at him.”
“What stones? They told him they knew his father. They knew his earthly mother, his brothers, and his sisters, and they named them. They said: I know your father and mother, Joseph and Mary, and they named the four brothers. They implied multiple sisters. And then they began to show him the facts of life, and the facts contradicted his claim. ” – Neville Goddard
Notice how they attempted to “diagnose” Jesus as “just a man”, using facts about his life, about his family, about his past.
He couldn’t be “what he claimed”, because of what they called THE FACTS. In life, you too have been diagnosed, because of perceived facts. Diagnosed, maybe by a doctor, maybe by your teachers, maybe by your parents. Maybe even by you.
Sometime in your life, you’ve been labeled, diagnosed, put in a box. Convinced that you are limited, just a man or just a woman, with some form of limitation.
Today, I’d like to share with you about a diagnosis I was given – and how I am using it – to reveal the truth about us.
Enjoy the video.
A diagnosis, like my diagnosis can come ONLY after I have adopted the states that create it.
What states have you adopted – that have led to a diagnosis – that limits you fully living the life you choose? (It’s time to remember that you can react to the diagnosis, or you can take action – and create a whole new state.)
The Mistake Most People Make: Something physical caused it, so something physical will be the cause of fixing it.
But what if the STATE of high blood pressure was something I adopted before the diagnosis, and is now something I can move on from?
So now, I am on the journey – of creating and exploring much more empowering and healthy states – than the one of high blood pressure. And I am learning tons, that I would like to share with you.
There are three levels of imagining. We call these: Reactive imagination. Creactive imagination. Creative imagination.
The Reactive imagination. This is the imagination that most people use, most of the time. It is where the imagination runs wild. And if you run into a problem, a crisis or a negative diagnosis – the imagination may try to run EXTREMELY WILD. (Not productive, not fun,not worth it.)
The Creactive imagination. The focus is on the problem and solving the problem. Simply imagining “an ideal resolution”, like the next test results are PERFECT BLOOD PRESSURE. Nothing wrong with that, but there isn’t much creativity involved. And being made “in the image of” the Creator of all that is, there could be another much more powerful and fun way to approach this.
The Creative imagination. What is my new identity? An identity that is inspired not just by the diangosis, but by my chosen destiny. One that honors my spiritual side, my physical side, and that inspires others to create change.
It’s not about the NUMBERS, it is about the MAN.
If it’s just about the NUMBERS, the focus is on solving the problem. If it’s about the MAN, the whole worldview changes AND a whole new level of being in the world shows up.
Yes, Neville did. (Keep reading.)
Behavior is in the world of Ceasar, the physical world. Maybe you’ve noticed that: Behavior FOLLOWS imagination.
Other people’s behavior and your behavior BOTH follow your imagination. (If you use it INTENTIONALLY).
Neville’s behavior changed – as the result of his imaginings. He imagined himself as a great preacher. So he preached. He also took out ads and worked with promoters to help people find out about him. Neville imagined himself getting tickets for a sold out show for his brothers. Then he went and stood in line, even when the signs said that the tickets were sold out. And yes, he got tickets. Because his behavior – like the rest of the physical world – followed the LEAD of his imagination.
“When you emerge from the moment of meditation it is as though you were shown the happy end of a play in which you are the principal actor. Having witnessed the end in your meditation, regardless of any anti-climatic state you encounter, you remain calm and secure in the knowledge that the end has been perfectly defined.” – Neville Goddard
So that’s it for today, a pretty powerful set of lessons. Feel free to watch the video a few times, take some notes, and of course – apply wildly and have fun!
Have an amazing day, and remember to feel your ideal as real.
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
UPDATE: My original diagnosis was based on blood pressure readings of 155/110. (That’s shockingly high.) Today – July 23 2103 – my readings are 114/77. Whoo yah! This works! It works! It Works!
Use what we discovered by clicking here – Candid Creation – Mr Twenty Twenty’s Healing with Neville
LEGAL: This package and all related articles are NOT to be considered medical advice, treatment or cure.
I am not a doctor, I don’t play one on tv, and if you feel you need medical treatment get it. The purpose of this package is to help you Feel It Real more effectively EVERYWHERE in your life, so that you can live life as the adventure of a lifetime.
I want the recordings you are making on this. When will the be available? Put me on the list.
God bless you!
This is EXACTLY what I did when I went years ago to rehabilitation. It just completely rubbed me wrong that AA told me I would ALWAYS be an alcoholic/ additive person. NOT TRUE. It is a STATE as you said….absolutely. If I embraced that "label" I would forever be what MAN said I was and be limited the rest of my life. I AM healthy. I AM living and being the healthy, vibrant, person I know I AM….living like what I feel healthy, vibrant people DO. That's it. Nothing less. And my body has responded to the song of my soul. I AM the positive life force and do not allow labels to "stick" under any circumstances. Thank you for this wonderful post, Twenty Twenty!
health issues can be the trickiest when applying neville’s teachings but they can also be the greatest opportunities to really master these principles. Sounds like you are stepping up to the challenge twentytwenty, congratulations.
Hi Deborah, thank you for sharing your fantastic story with us. My my mum went through this years ago and like you she is an empowered woman now. She had no knowledge of LOA but was determined that she would find a new state of being. 35 years later, that state is as strong as ever. She is my inspiration and my guide as I am sure you are with all the loving people around you. xxx
Amen! That's why unless it is absolutely necessary (eg. emergency situation) I always advise to everybody to avoid going to hospitals.
Amen! That's why unless it is absolutely necessary (eg. emergency situation) I always advise to everybody to avoid going to hospitals.
Thanks for yet another great post ! 🙂
Congrats on that , Twenty. Sweet success. 🙂
Twenty, we have talked about this but it is the first time I have seen this video. Wow, although you look like you are in a CAVE… 🙂 Radical great in formation. I love you so much; wise, funny and such a smart-ass too. Enlightened every day man. Love you.
Big love to you Lisa!
Wait till you see our next new videos!
Much better lighting etc.
Almost studio!
TT and V
I am impressed with your discussion re: the states of mind, and have been thinking about your answers included for reversal of the Blood-pressure issue. It seems to me that there can be a state wherein your diet need not change. We are the Christ. We could, if our beliefs were in order, partake of poison and not be effected. Is this not true? All limitations being spawned out of our belief systems? Perfect Health, or as you say Spiritual Strong Man, is not one who needs to concern himself with Soy or Fish sauce. Blessings to you and to Victoria, and thank you for all you do!
Hi Carl,
Neville teaches that what you want, will happen in the most natural way possible. So natural, that you will be tempted to say it would have happened anyway – and ignore the truth that it was the result of your imaginal act.
To me, part of the bridge of incident involved me not putting hazardous material in my body.
Everything physical, including the diet change, is the RESULT. Because we all know people who eat healthy, and who are physical wrecks – because they imagine being unhealthy. And we all know people who have many kinds of “proven treatments” – that nothing seems to work for them – because of how they imagine.
Side note: Here’s a great example. I had a friend who long term – imagined being able to eat ANYTHING – and be skinny. She was that way for years. She ate all kinds of crap. She also after a while, found that she had no energy, and ended up being treated for massive parasites in her body. She did manifest a way to stay thin, and eat crap. But her bridge of incident – really sucked.
Hope that’s a gift to you mate, glad you are here Carl!
TT and V
I went to Overeaters Anonymous a few years ago and also rebelled when they told me I could never have sugar again and was a hopeless addict. It was so negative! HOWEVER, I am having a HELLUVA time getting this diet thing down. I am soooooo sick of dieting. What I tried after reading Neville was just to imagine what a NORMAL person would eat and try that – not overeating and enjoying a few goodies here and there. I am having a hard time with this. I need to lose 100 lbs! I understand it is a state but am still struggling to alter the state. Do you have any success stories about weight loss?? I need some ideas!
Hi Diane!
We’ve used the power of the imagination to lose weight – get thin etc.
My personal experience goes something like this. When I’ve imagined being fat – and “ate thin”, I stayed fat or got even fatter.
And on the other hand, when I’ve imagined being a man who is fit, active, and at my ideal weight – I started moving in that direction. My body shifted, and so did my diet and activity level.
Here’s a big key to me, just imagining “thin” is just like imagining “a million dollars”. The focus isn’t like how Neville teaches, which is on “action of self predominant”. The imaginal act – that I found works, has me experiencing thin, experiencing fit, and experiencing the high energy.
Naturally, my diet changed. And it’s no where near what most people think is healthy. It’s high GOOD fat, moderate / high protein, and veg. No sugar, or wheat etc, including most fruit. Those things literally make me feel sick.
Hope that helps, have fun.
TT and V too