“Mr. Twenty Twenty, I have a question regarding my Feel it Real Sessions. Neville recommends always doing these in a relaxed state and I do. However I also seem to have “mini visuals” that are often more intense, that run mentally in my head at various times during my waking day. I am not consciously creating these but they mimic the sessions that I do in the near dream state and often leave me with a feeling of tingling or that the event is in creation. Could you possibly explain what is going on?”
Sounds like you are right on target mate, and you are getting EXACTLY the results you should be getting from the Feel It Real Power Pack. Your sessions are food for your spirit, and as you continue to do them, you’ll find it not only easier to walk from that state of the wish fulfilled during your day, you will have “spontaneous peeks” behind the scenes.
“We are told that God speaks to man through the medium of dream and makes himself known in vision. If thisis true, no voice should interest you more than that which is heard in your dreams and visions. ” – Neville Goddard
To us, it feels as if the “expanded” part of you, is giving you what you need to keep the faith. Know that it is done and the vision will arrive in it’s own appointed hour. Keep the faith.
Many blessings mate, keep up the good work by doing your sessions and giving thanks for the spontaneous visions.
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
For more rock solid basics to help you get what you want – pick up FREEDOM – Neville Goddard Simplified Volume 3