“Believe in the reality of your own imaginal acts, for faith is loyalty to unseen reality. Have faith in your imaginal act. Although unseen by the outer world as an external fact, your loyalty to its unseen reality will cause the unseen to become seen by the world.” – Neville Goddard
A couple weeks ago (I think I posted about this in our facebook group) a friend of mine told me he was going through a shitstorm centering around financial matters with his deceased father’s estate and a property he was trying to sell.
The property sold and the settlement was a couple weeks ago; he had all sorts of debts to pay from the proceeds, and figured that once the money from the settlement came through, he’d pay those off and have about $40,000 to take a year off work, travel, etc. So he quit his job, ended his lease, and was awaiting the payout.
Two weeks ago his lawyer told him that the settlement was finalized and that he should get the money in January. This threw all of his plans out the window.
I’ve been hitting him with Neville stuff and so I told him “Look, I know that you feel like this is your father’s deathgrip coming for ONE LAST CHOKEHOLD AROUND YOUR THROAT after his death, but… what do you want? And how would it feel if you had it?”
I “felt it real” for him a couple times and let the matter drop.
TT and V note: Notice – Max knew it was done, and he moved on to manifest something else. Done and dusted!
Today he was back in town and he told me he met AGAIN with his lawyer and that his lawyer took care of it, and that 95% of the money he anticipated has been paid out and deposited “and I’m just waiting for the checks to clear.”
I created this!
I created this!
I created this!
Max from Manifesting Mastery
June 2016 Graduate
TT and V note: Can you tell – Max BELIEVES in the reality of his imaginal act?
He didn’t hope it would happen. He isn’t saying, “it might have happened ANYWAY.” – – MAX is celebrating another success, because he dove deeper, he BOUGHT THE PEARL and he is now living the Neville Goddard Lifestyle! Go Max Go! Thank you for sharing with us mate!
Dive Deeper – Make a Spash and Join us and Max in the Manifesting Mastery Family – Click Here
TT and V Note: We celebrate this success with you too Max! Good on you for not buying into your buddy’s limitations or situations and choosing to apply the lessons and Imagining Lovingly.