Hey mate!
Today we are going to use Neville’s Feel It Real Formula to help a reader with a life long issue. If you have been working on a change and it has been frustrating – notice how today’s lessons apply to you.
Let’s dive in.
“This is Phyllis. I have an issue, a life-long weight loss struggle. I have gained and lost large amounts of weight through my life since age 10 and done this many times. I know exactly what it feels like to be slim.”
“I know exactly what it feels like to be healthy.”
“I do NOT know and cannot seem to imagine what it feels like to be slim without the state of constantly feeling starved and tired. I also cannot seem to imagine what being slim and living a happy, easy life feels like.”
First, let’s EXPLORE your FEELINGS – behind “the words.
Because the words we use naturally to describe a current problem are hooked into the feelings we have about it. Exploring the words and the feelings behind them, can help you release yourself from their death grip. You said, “I have an issue…” – that quote show us that it is in YOUR present “I Am” state.
Let’s EXPLORE changing that to:
“I have HAD an issue…”
Say that a few times…. Explore how THAT would feel – if it were ALREADY TRUE.
Let your feelings change – so that your problems are in your past – notice the change in your body.
Phyllis continued in her email….
“I have always been told that my weight loss must be accompanied by tiny amounts of food and massively long workout sessions. So I have come to expect meeting a weight loss goal to always be accompanied by exhaustion, misery and starvation.”
“Obviously, such a lifestyle can only be temporary and inevitably all weight is re-gained. With the help of your emails, and my own reading of Neville, I have thought of a wish-fulfilled session that I am going to try to ‘see’ and imagine: “Pounds are melting away with astounding speed. I feel full, and satisfied with tiny amounts of food – just enough to sustain the weight I know I am.
So it’s time to reject what you have ALREADY accepted as true.
You learned “the old programming” when you were 10. Time to let that go, like you did other things you learned when you were 10.
How can you reject your “old programming”?
One method is to REVISE it.
Use REVISION, and imagine being told WAY BACK THEN there is a way to eat TONS of good food, that will help you lose weight and have TONS of energy.
And finally, see your friends congratulating you…
(and notice how great that feels) for having those pounds as HAVING HAD MELTED AWAY.
I am so anxious to meet Skinny Me! Thanks again for all that you both do and are. Knowing that you two are thinking about us all the time is so encouraging. I have been faithfully imagining for your blood pressure readings to continue in the normal range, too! Kind regards and much gratitude to you both, Phillis – St. Petersburg, Florida
Anxious is a emotion – that reveals you haven’t FULLY MOVED into THE SKINNY YOU STATE.
Another emotion is excited. Be excited for your friends to see the SKINNY YOU that you are.
Blessings Phillis for letting us share your email and use it to teach the Feel It Real Formula to the group.
Many blessings,
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
I have read Neville’s army story so many times, but skimmed right over the ‘touching objects’ part. Thank you for taking me back to that. I printed out your email from yesterday and highlighted the parts that discussed revision. It was instant help.
Also a Magical Release, your comment – “a person is telling you that you can eat tons of good food, and it will cause weight loss”. I realized when I read that, that I had previously been ‘feeling’ that everything I ate was making me fat – even healthy stuff! YIKES.
I also have Neville’s little book ‘Feeling is the Secret’, which was just frustrating me until you broke down my statements and I could see exactly where the error was. For the first time yesterday, I was actually able to experience results from “I am sleepy, so sleepy, so very, very sleepy”, as Neville suggests; and go into that state akin to sleep.
Thanks for the great words. They are so powerful.