“If you look for excuses for failure you will always find them, for you find what you seek. If you seek an excuse for failure, you will find it in the stars, in the numbers, in the tea cup, or most any place. The excuse will not be there but you will find it to justify your failure. Successful business and professional men and women know that this law works. You will not find it in gossip groups, but you will find it in courageous hearts.” – Neville Goddard
Hey mate,
Your quality of life depends entirely on what you look for. Where in your life are you looking for excuses? Find them, and eliminate them.
Today got pretty hectic for me, and I was tired, and I promised Victoria that I would go outside and enjoy the garden a bit – because it is so beautiful outside today. So I ALMOST made an excuse – and skipped writing today’s article.
I chose instead, to live my vision – spread the word – and give you the quick gift of Neville Today.
What happens when you choose to seek something much finer in life – something much more empowering -much more loving – much more giving?
You won’t have to blame the stars, the numbers, the leaves of tea in the cup – and you will know that you will have found SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS by simply focusing your vision – and assuming the state of the wish fulfilled.
“I envision a scene today, where Victoria and I share a smile while holding hands, reading your emails – on how this article made a difference for you. That is my scene – that implies the wish fulfilled. That is the scene that drove me to write this article.”
“Construct a scene that implies you have moved mountains – and you will.”
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria.
Neville Goddard in his own Voice – Volume 2 – The I Am Lecture Series – Click here.
Did you miss the Original Neville Goddard Mastermind Recordings – Click here.
Feeling FRANTIC about your desires? – Use this Secret Key – Click here.
Right on time…. Thanks 20
Some of the most profound words are those of the Buddha when he said: "We become what we think about." The fact is that we tend to concentrate on what we DON'T want rather than what we DO want. Many of us (myself included) when reaching or surpassing an important goal tend to start inventing ways things could "go wrong". Invariably they do when I focus on that rather than on a new POSITIVE objective.
Thanks for your daily insights I really appreciate what you are doing Thanks Tim.
Thank you Rosa. Living in the flow. Blessings. TT and V
Thank you Tim. We appreciate you being here. Blessings. TT and V
Hey mate,
What happens when you use yesterday’s lesson, and move this into the past?
Could get fun!
TT and V
I read some of the articles from 221 pdfs you shared with me and Neville seems to be an enlightened one ant just any success guru, he named and realised the god as "I am". In the 10th chapter of Bhagvad gita (whish was writtenn more than 5000 years ago) same "Iam-ness" has been explained that christ and neville taught.
Agreed mate. Truth is truth.
Have you watched “The Legend Of Baggar Vance?”
It is loosely based and inspired by the Bhagavad Gita, and is one of our favorite spiritual movies.
Keep your comments coming, they inspire and educate and make a difference.
TT and V