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Today’s lesson….
Today’s lesson continues from where Monday’s began. In it we learn how Neville began “the experiment” and how it has blessed many more. We choose here to continue the experiment, and live our lives knowing that what we hold in mind, manifests in our world and in our actions. Have an amazing day and thank you for being a part of our Neville Goddard community.
Mr Twenty Twenty
“I tell you a mystery: Christ in you is the hope of glory, for God, your human imagination became man that man may become God. This is a mystery that we are called upon to test, for the power that created the world became as you are, that you may know yourself to be all creative power, as He is! I did not receive this knowledge from a man. I did not read it in a book, nor did I ever hear of it from another. It was revealed to me that God, in man, is his own wonderful human imagination! Having no place to turn, or no one to turn to, I began to experiment; and as it proved itself in the testing, I found myself fulfilling scripture. Instead of another, I was playing the central role fulfilling the only belief! Then I began to tell it and those who heard and believed began to test themselves, and as they did, they moved into the mainstream and scripture fulfilled itself in them.” Neville Goddard
The Neville Goddard Mastermind Recordings – Click here!
Beyond Manifesting and Miracles – Click here!
My brother sent me the link to the truth, and I really liked it. Good read!
I liked everything from the introduction to the conclusion. Great work on the article about the truth about manifesting.
That was a good read about Neville Goddard.