“My wife just decided that it was time for her to have a new mobile phone. She decided that it was an iPhone that she wanted next, and she did what you teach in the PowerPack. She imagined what it would feel like, to search in her handbag for it. She imagined what it would feel like, to touch it – inside her purse. She even decided to borrow mine, and put it inside her purse and experience what searching for her phone would feel like. Then she went to work, and the office manager told her that they were working on her getting an iPhone, and they were having a meeting about new phones for the office THAT DAY.”
Hey mate,
JOD HEY VAU HEY. That’s one of the names of God – and it’s one of the methods Neville teaches us to use. We explored that last week – The I AM Name of God, and she decided to apply to the phone in her handbag. And now a new phone is coming in the perfect timing. How does this power work? Let’s explore that real quick.
ELOHIM is another name for God. It translates into “one made of many”, and that is part of the MECHANISM – how things like that happen. When we listen to Neville share teachings like that, and ponder them – and assume that they are TRUTH – life changes. So let’s explore the power, the mechanism of ELOHIM, “One made of Many”.
What we need to do is JOD HEY VAU HEY.
JOD HEY VAU HEY. JOD – is your consciousness – your awareness that you exist. Your “I am” state. Follow that up with HEY – which translates into WINDOW. Seeing inside your IMAGINATION what you want. VAU is a NAIL, that which binds. What BINDS the vision into the physical world IS FEELING it completely. HEY is noticing it – seeing it IN the objective – physical world.
ELOHIM – “one made of many” is how that IMAGINAL SCENE that you create – creates movement in ALL OF MIND – in everyone’s IMAGINATION in some level – because you followed the formula of JOD HEY VAU HEY. And because of ELOHIM, everyone gets to play their part. Some play a big part, some a little one. I imagine a representative from the mobile phone company may have contacted her place of work, or agreed to come to the meeting – playing their part. The office manager played her part – suggesting an iPhone. I played my part, imagining her – and others like her – using these methods.
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you…. All I ask is to go to the end, and if I go to the end and give thanks from the end… ” – Neville Goddard. – God and I are one.
Notice she didn’t focus on “how to make” it happen. No focus on a meeting, not one bit. She was focused on FINDING her phone, in her purse. A very natural and common thing for her to do – with her new phone. What is the natural and common thing you would experience – if your wish were fulfilled?
Have an amazing and blessed day,
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria.
PS: Follow The Formula – Dive into the Feel It Real Power Pack – Click Here and get results!
How she manifested a new mobile phone – using the names of God.
20-20: I always appreciate you, your site, and your sharing Neville with us. I have tried to implement his Live in the End, and using my imagination; but I admit that I am in extremely dire straits now – and fear that fear has become my reality instead of the beautiful things I want. I’ve lost my job, my funds, my home, and am living with friends, who no doubt want me out; my few remaining belongings are in storage – but if I don’t see myself wealthy or at least with funds, I may lose them too. I need some additional Nevillization or I’m sunk. I have worked on my visualization, only to have more horror stories than success. I know this is not what you are accustomed to receiving, but your help would be of the utmost assistance right now. Thank you.& Bless you and your family.
Hi Gloria,
Been there. Truly. Sometimes it helps to know that us “seeming other” people out there have taken the time to IMAGINE in what we need. I am holding in mind your circumstance in the past for you, and that your IDEAL is now complete and grounded in your life.
Grandpa would say, sometimes as the ocean rises – crud comes to the surface – to be washed away.
Email anytime.
Twenty Twenty
My reply is a bit of a joke on me. Let me say first that I have a “dumb” phone, and have no desire for a smart phone anytime soon.
After reading about the smart phone manifesting, I sat and pictured her actions for a few moments. I then went for a walk in the park. I was meditating in among some trees when looked down, and there was a smart phone!
Of course, I will get it to it’s rightful owner.
Have a good day,
Nice Nancy!
This is a really cool phenomenon we have seen before. It’s like when we “theoretically” imagine something out, it “kinda” happens.
You kinda got a smart phone, by imagining her actions.
Have a great day and thank you for the share!
We are one.
Twenty Twenty
Hi 20-20,
Thank you for that information. I will call it “the kinda phenomenon”.
Bye for now,
The actual pronunciation is: YUD HEY VOV HEY. If one is not familiar with Hebrew – looking at your J a common mistake would be to pronounce it as a J. Nope. . . and the VAU is VUV or VOV. Just thought you might like to know. Hebrew letters each have many meanings and the pronunciation is critical.
So, YUD (not yoood – YUD as in UH) HAY (as in hay) VOV (as that sounds) and HAY. All input from my 14 year old granddaughter who speaks fluent Hebrew. Thanks, Sydney.
Blessings on you and all that you see.
May your life stay filled with laughter and your pockets lined with gold.
Your amazing! I do regularly your method and i take instant results…Before that i used to focus on how to make it happen and i couldnt get the results i wanted. Now i always imagine how i would feel when i have my wish fulfied. For example, at before one month i would imagine everyday how i would feel when i get the money i wanted, i felt touching the money in my hand and buying and paying whatever i want and and after one month it became my reality!!! thank you thank you thank you… you make an amazing job as you teach us the right way of getting what we want!
Mr. 20-20
I am responding to Gloria’s message. I am in the same predicament (Except that i already lost my stuff in storage and was kicked out and now on the streets).
I feel like i have lost all hope and try to implement Neville’s “remember when” tactic. That didnt work, as well as the imagining my friends and family congratulating me on my sudden reversal of fortune. Still nothing!
Please help because i have no other options and badly want to believe that this isnt all some crock.
Hi Leelee,
Holding the transformation of you and your world as done.
With that in mind, remember – you are imagining and creating every single moment you are conscious.
Part of you imagined you might get a reply here – and some help – and notice that it’s happened.
When we imagine effectively, the universe moves – that includes our bodies. (I mention that because mine has to move – to reply.)
When you get that imagining creates even at this “obvious level” it gets much easier to accept – if you want a different life – imagine it. It wll happen, and it will happen in it’s own perfect timing, in it’s own perfect way.
Blessings to you,
TT and V