Hey mate,
What is the state you are coming from when you think about your wishes?
Are you destined or are you desperate?
Sometimes the shift you need to make, to create the life you choose to live is just THAT simple. Where are you coming from right now? Notice that, be honest.
And if you find ANY hint of desperation in you at all, then use the Feel It Real methods to change your state to THE DESTINED ONE.
REAL LIFE STORY: Neville knew he was getting out of the Army, when he envisioned it. Neville also knew the power of the imagination – that it can move mountains – that it can cause earthquakes. How powerful do you imagine your imagination really is?
Is the wonderful human imagination powerful enough to cause an earthquake, move mountains out of the way of your destiny, help you exit from any level of desperation?
Neville would say yes. We agree. And once you adopt that belief, you totally unleash the power of God, your IMAGINATION into your world. Have an amazing day!
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
“Everything in the world. You may say, did the earthquake come out – yes it did, EVERYTHING comes out of the human imagination. These are only pressures built up by man’s own wonderful human imagination and they MUST be released. You build a pressure and it is released. There is not a thing that’s creating anything in this world and God is your wonderful human imagination.” – Neville Goddard