Hey mate,
Today Thea shares with us the GOOD FUN he’s having finding Total Freedom, just 14 days into Manifesting Mastery. Notice the clues she leaves behind, and the GOLD within them.
To set the stage, let’s dive in with a Neville Goddard quote:
“Can you give reality to the imagined state? If you do, yes, a bridge of incidents will appear in your world, and you’ll walk across some series of events leading up to the fulfillment of the imaginal state. But don’t give causation to any physical step that you took towards the fulfillment of it.” – Neville Goddard
Hello Twenty Twenty, Victoria and pups,
What have I noticed 14 days in? Lots of little things, and I can see how they are starting to help me make shifts.
This week I’ve learned a lot about who I tell myself I am — and I don’t like what I was telling myself much.
Seems like I’ve been telling myself a lot about what I can’t do or what I will do when x happens rather than actively taking a role in making myself who I truly am, who I want to be.
If that sounds dramatic it’s really not, it’s pretty fun actually!
TT AND V POWER POINT: We designed MM – so that you START THE MANIFESTING METHODS LESSONS, until WEEK 3 – for a purpose. Because it doesn’t matter what you TRY to manifest in your SESSION – if you don’t notice and put to rest THE LAYERS “crazy and stressful autopilot” manifesting that you have going on – that you don’t notice. (And if you read enough of the HUNDREDS of success stories here – you’ll find that almost nobody notices – how much of that they REALLY have going on – until they do those lessons – and put that to rest.)
I see that in my career I’ve been pushing off a lot of things I’d like to do and would be good at because I think I need to get to a certain level of…something, I don’t really know what…first.
(Keep going….)
— Join Thea in Manifesting Mastery — Click Here Now
I’ve also had lots of successes playing around with buns (different wishes)! This past weekend Alex and I traveled to Hilton Head Island in South Carolina for a friend’s wedding.
I FIR for an upgrade on both the flight down and the flight home and we got both!
TT AND V NOTE: Notice what comes next. Not just ONE WIN, but TWO in a row, and the second win – is JUST PLAIN FUN. That’s another MISSING MASTERKEY for most folks. When you get, what we are teaching, you can’t help but have HEAPS of FUN MANIFESTINGS show up in your life – and then suddenly – THEY ALL BECOME FUN. Just like these two.
On the way down the gate attendant asked for a couple who’d be willing to sit in the exit row (much more leg room!) so we got a free upgrade, and on the way back it was even cooler because I went up to the gate attendant to ask for the upgrade, and though she was supposed to charge me, she handed me the new upgraded tickets with a wink and said “Just pretend like I charged you.” Amazing!
TT and V note: Take a moment – and imagine THAT WINK – and how that would feel TO YOU – if you got something like that EVERY SINGLE DAY. That’s what we play with in MM. That’s your new way of life!
I also like what you said about making things clear as mud. I like the idea that I can experience something and get it even if I don’t fully understand it. My body seems to know what to do when I’m in the states I want to be in.
TT and V note: Get how cool this is? Thea got out of her head by doing the little lessons she gets every day, and HER BODY knew to walk up and ASK for an upgrade – that she SHOULD have had to PAY for – but she got it for FREE. When you get that BAD AUTOPILOT stuff out of the way (Days 1 to 14), you find yourself doing your part – just for fun – and you find yourself – FINDING FREEDOM!
Thea Dee
Day 14 – Manifesting Mastery – June 27, 2017
TT AND V note: That’s it Thea! You found yourself – doing what you came here to to. You find yourself LIVING LIFE TO THE FULLEST! Getting way fun upgrades! Now FLYING FIRST CLASS as a lifestylte! Blessings Thea and Welcome to Manifesting Mastery! Go have fun now with those Week 3 Manifesting Methods! Looking forward to your next update and SUCCESS STORY!
Join Thea in Manifesting Mastery – Click here!