Hey mate,
When we got Greg’s Success story, we were gonna break it down, so you could follow along with us and notice the tiny bits that mattered most from his letter.
The breadcrumbs he left behind for us to follow, because success always leaves clues. But when we re read it this morning, we thought…
“Greg’s easy going attitude that he got during the program is THE BIGGIE here. Notice how easy he just lets it be, notice how he keeps saying the same thing, notice how he is applying what he learned, and enjoying discovering HOW it all happens in the physical world.
This is ROCK SOLID GOLD. Thank you for sharing with us Greg. Now, let’s dive in with the words of Neville.
“Now before we go into our moment of silence there is something I must make very clear, and that is this effort we discussed last night. If there is one reason in this whole vast world why people fail it is because they are unaware of a law known to psychologists today as the law of reverse effort. “
“When you assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled it is with a minimum of effort. You must control the direction of the movements of your attention. But you must do it with the least effort. If there is effort in the control, and you are compelling it in a certain way you are not going to get the results. You will get the opposite results, what ever they might be.” – Neville Goddard
Hi Twenty,
This just happened yesterday.
Very exciting and feel free to share this with everyone!
The story begins a few months back. My daughter who is 17 is applying to colleges for next fall.
So she is doing the usual things, picking out colleges, doing the common application etc. I hired a very professional educational consultant to assist with the entire process. Worth every penny!!
I highly recommend finding the correct person to be there through this entire process. We went through a couple of so called educational consultants before we found the right one that had my daughters best interest in mind. Not just the money. But that isn’t the story!
So my girlfriend has a son who just went through this process. I listened to all of the “stuff” that surrounds this process. Constantly!! Not every time, but quite a bit I would revise the conversations that were coming from relatives, his mother and other sources that were worried about where he might go, etc. etc..
I would say internally and externally that her son was going to go to this specific college and have a full ride!! After a good dose of listening to others, I just kept the revisions of conversations and the feel it real sessions to myself. It kept things in perspective. And didn’t dilute the process of feeling it real.
The feeling it real consisted of seeing her son on the campus, rowing on the crew team, which he loves! And just a congratulatory scene where I am saying great! you did it. That was it. And seeing the full ride!
So this is History!! What I just described above, happened! That was such great fun, watching the physical show up. And it wasn’t a total full ride yet, but 3/4 of the tuition was covered. Not bad, but I hear Ab, Nevilles teacher in the background saying, “You went first class to Barbados”. So I need to manifest that.
So, I want everyone to know that I lived that. And as I think about it? How did I play my role in that? I just saw my girlfriends son exactly where I “imagined him to be” and that’s it!!!
Nothing more to it than that. As I think about it, it was pretty much effortless. However, there was no opposition to it, in my imagining? So, that seems to be the thing that helps with the physical manifestation.
So, on with the story!!!
I did it once!! So why not do it again!! Why not!!
So my daughter is going through the same process. So I listened to what she wanted to go for, as far as colleges, and why, etc.
And, I listened to the well meaning people, voice their opinions, and recommendations about the strategy, to get her into a specific college etc.!!
What I did was this. I did my feel it real, where I saw my daughter graduating from the college that I saw her in. She had on the cap and gown, tassle, friends around her, and me wrapping my arms around her, giving her a big hug and congratulations!!
I may have done that 2-3 times, and then revised the conversation internally when others where saying, did you do this or that, and recommend that she do this or that.
I would see her as there! Nothing magical about doing the feel it real.
In fact the feel it reals that I do, that just seem like I am in the scene, not making it happen, just in the scene,saying congrats, etc are the ones that just take on a life of their own and manifest.
That’s the important part of what I want people to know is this. It just feels real. Meaning, it’s just, matter of fact, plain as day, nothing else.
The balance of the story is this.
I am sitting in my truck with my daughter yesterday, and we were talking about colleges, which ones have said yes, and which ones she hadn’t heard from yet. While we are sitting in the truck, her mother texts her and says you have a letter that showed up today, this college had sent a reply. The outside of the envelope said, congratultions!
So the next morning I receive a call from her mother, that our daughter not only received the acceptance, but had a merit scholarship, for 1/4 of her tuition for the next four years, along with a personal note from the Dean of the college, hoping that she attends, and some personal notes from the interview that she had with the Dean that were genuine!!
The rest of everyone is saying isn’t that great, fantastic, etc.
I am in agreement with them of course. But I know, that we are the operant power. We are, God! We create it! Constantly. The feel it real, that feels natural is what created this.
I am doing my best to go there(feeling it) and consciously create!! And you can to! It’s really so simple!!
So, I think my whole message from thisis, We complicate it. Way beyond what we need to.
So, do a couple of feel it reals! Yes, and revise as many times as is comes up. And then stay in the, “Feeling of what it feels like when it is accomplished.
Which, I can say is what I did with both of the college, apps, etc!
Amazing! But I did it, and so can everyone that is reading or listening to this.
The easier it is!! The more it feels real!
I hope this story helps!
Be well,
Greg – Manifesting Mastery Graduate
Nice: keeping simple the feel it real, keeps it natural.
That is so awesome. Congratulations! I am now more motivated than ever. I did complicate and over think….i guess i am used to things being hard, i am reprogramming myself.
Congratulations Greg. Awesome! I have really taken your advice to heart – keep it simple, clear and natural; take it to the end and bulls-eye!
Love it! Thanks so much for the detail it was so helpful and inspiring.
What does revise it mean?
Love this story! So fabulous! THANK YOU!
Hi Liz!
Its’ one of the 3 tools we share in
The Neville Goddard Tool Box – Click Here
Note to myself. Keep it simple… Feel it real naturally