“Make a pledge to yourself that you will live by your imagination, for God has promised that you can assume a state and it will become a fact in his words: ‘Whatever you desire, believe you have received it and you will.’”.
“It can’t be stated any clearer than that. These are the words of an awakened man who is God, for every man who awakes in Jesus Christ is God, He who is forever extending himself.” – Neville Goddard
I have been doing FIR sessions for a while to pay off all of our credit cards and mortgage.
Yesterday while at the bank, the teller noticed that we had a credit card with their establishment that had interest fees applying each month.
She took us into an office, and told us how to consolidate ALL of our credit card bills, which meant we could pay FAR LESS than what we had been paying, and we have 15 months of no interest on it!
The banker took all of our information, showed us what our monthly payment would be, and then sent us an email to finish the process at home.
We did that and within an hour we were approved!
This week we will pay off all of the high-rate credit cards and have 15 months without interest to pay it completely off.
Dave B. Florida, USA. Manifesting Mastery Graduate – June 2016
Good on you Dave for taking the pledge – and diving deeper and deeper mate. As you know from your other successes, you are just getting warmed up with this Neville Goddard Lifestyle! Good on you for joining us in Manifesting Mastery – Click here!