NOTE: Make sure you read the Neville Goddard quote WAY at the bottom of the page.
It sums it all up PERFECTLY.
When I started Nevillizing, I was having great success. I suspect one of the reasons why, was because it wasn’t about getting “the black belt”, winning the match, or getting the trophy.
Even though I experienced all those successes by creating scenes in my imagination – where I was being congratulated for getting my black belt, winning the match, and getting the trophy.
My Nevillizing -my Feeling it Real was driven by something much deeper and much more powerful.
It was being driven by a new identity.
“I imagined the NEW IDEAL ME. Strong, confident, loving, expert, attractive, fit, wealthy. Those were just a few of the qualities my “new me” had built in, qualities that men and women, guy friends and girls around me noticed – and remarked about. First those qualities and people noticing them were only in my sessions. Later, they showed up everywhere in my physical life.”
Imagine being born 3 months early, just 2 pounds and 4 ounces.
I was sick a LOT as a kid, shy, getting picked EVERY SINGLE DAY..
The stage was set, the outcome pretty much already written.
Then at some point, something changed inside.
When I was 12 years old, I decided to reinvent myself – to change who I was and how I got along in the world.
“All you need do is believe you are what you want to be and then let the world (which is nothing more than yourself pushed out) go to work to make your assumption possible. I promise you: your desire will be fulfilled, for all things are possible to him who believes.” – Neville Goddard
How did the “98” pound weakling – the ugly duckling – the outcast – (me) create these amazing changes? How can you apply this in your life?
Randy was one of my training partners. He was almost a black belt when I stumbled as a young teenager into my first kempo karate class. Randy was strong, fast and very experienced. He wasn’t good, he was amazing.
The funny thing was, over the years, Randy came and went and came back again to train. Somehow over the next four years, I got my first degree black belt first – before him, I don’t think it was because I was more skilled, or even more driven than him.
WHERE are you coming from?
I got my black belt fist, because to me – being the accomplished black belt, professional trainer, was my new chosen IDENTITY. And I suspect to Randy, training was an ACTIVITY he enjoyed, something he was good at – but it wasn’t about “a new him”.
There are three levels of change and creation – that we apply to Nevillizing: They are the levels of Stuff – Activity / Ability – Identity.
Manifesting a new toy (or other neat STUFF) could be fun, and it is.
Just a few weekends ago, we Nevillized up some great trees for our garden. Back in the old days, I used to Nevillize tournament wins (trophies) all the time. That is Nevillizing new “stuff” in your world. It’s great fun, but it seems as if there is always some new toy to “dial up” and bring into your reality.
Manifesting a new ACTIVITY or ability is great fun too.
I used to imagine being able to do the coolest stuff, then not long after someone would show up in my world that I could learn it from. That is Nevillizing new ACTIVITY and ABILITY in your world. That’s cool too, and doing that will change your world.
But most of the time, I did what Neville teaches in so many of his lectures, I focused on Nevillizing a new identity for “me” to live in. I did it as the black belt trainer, I did it as the shaman’s apprentice, I did it as the wilderness survival expert, and I am doing it as an author and writer who produces work that changes the lives of thousands and thousands more.
POWER POINT: Nevillizing a new “identity” seems to not only come from a deeper more powerful place, but it also tends to include creating new “stuff” and new “activity / ability” in your world. Maybe that’s why re-creating your idenity seems to be the most powerful of the three, stuff – activity – identity, and why Neville focused on it so much.
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
Powerful Take Away: This morning, I scanned my personal collection of 221 Neville Goddard Lectures. There is only ONE lecture, where he uses the phrase “want to have”, Nevillizing focused primarily on stuff.
On the other hand, there are 87 lectures, where he uses the phrase “want to be”.
I tried a few variations on that theme, “stuff” vs “identity (being)” and they all turn out the same: Neville focuses significantly more changing WHO you are, compared to WHAT you have. Because changing WHO you are in the world, changes what you have and what you are capable of.
How can you apply that to your Feel It Real Sessions today?
The Feel It Real Power Pack – Time Tested and Proven! Click Here
- It took me over 2 years of research – hard work, to put together what you are about to learn in the Feel It Real PowerPack. In it, you are going to learn how to eliminate the mistakes many people make in their sessions, because they don’t know Neville like we do.
The Neville Goddard Prosperity Pack – Click Here
- Go right now and read the story that took me from being a “welfare” and “food bank” kid to financial freedom and moving around the world!
Freedom – 75 Life Changing Neville Goddard Lessons in one Book – Click here
- We took apart ONE LECTURE of Neville’s and dove deep! Enjoy all the bonuses tooo!
The ideal you serve and hope to achieve is ready and waiting for a new incarnation, but it is incapable of birth unless you offer it human parentage. You must assume that you already are what you hope to be and live as though you were.
As usual very insightful…love starting my days with your lessons. Thank u & MAKE it a GREAT day!! 🙂
There is so much in Neville's teachings, I understand his teachings better from this site.
You are so spot on.
When I lost 53 pounds in 6 months, it was because my "new identity" was that "I am thin" (even though at the time I was fat).
Thanks for this great reminder!
"Twenty Twenty" has a knack for interpreting Neville and breaking it down for everyone to understand. He has a sharing and giving spirit full of good energy!
Blessings Chaneta!
Thank you for your kindness and shares. It is a blessing to share the message and spread the love.
Many Blessings,
TT and V
Thank you for the inspiration and the testimonial for how it works Jorge!
Whooo yah!
TT and V
Thank you mate!
Our whole goal is to bring light to the parts people miss, and keep it simple.
Many blessings!
Thank you Samara!
We appreciate your questions, requests, shares and every email of thanks!
Many Blessings!
Thank u 🙂
Many Blessings Shay.
Thank you for being here.
TT and V
Thank you so much! What a big big help!
Hey TT.. thanks for sharing your successes.. fantastic! It occurred to me as I was reading the Neville quote and your description of the “new me” you created, that the reason so many people fail when trying to use the LOA may well be because they are trying to create from the “old me”. For most people the old me is so constricted and limited by years of beliefs and conditioning that makes it difficult, if not impossible to create what they want because the unconscious beliefs and patterning keeps getting in the way and it could take years to unravel all of the conditioning etc.
A brand new me however has literally unlimited potential and is ripe with possibility. An ego can’t argue with an unknown such as new me, because it has no reference point.. so for instance if someone has an issue with believing they can’t create what they want, by imagining they are a “new me” who CAN create, along with the end result that they have in mind, one could literally bypass the patterning, and create virtually ANYTHING desired.
Creating from the end result is powerful in itself, but adding the dimension of a new me that can create virtually anything is, to me, far more so. I’m going to go “grok” this in it’s fullness. :;)
Cheers mate,
Thanks so much! Really good reminder- what become what we habitually are in consciousness.
wow! ohhkay..light bulb.
This is a great article about how to change your life using your imagination.
Thank you Stacie!
We love sharing what we do.
And we love hearing from you.
TT and V
Absolutely! Neville wants us to change who we are, not what we want. This article was a great confirmation for me as I recently started focusing on just that, changing who I am. Afterall, the power phrase is, I Am that, I Am. Not I have that. That came to me a few weeks ago as was I was meditating on I Am. As soon as that hit me I felt a shift that told me I was on the better path now. Thanks TT & V!