Hey mate,
It all started with me imagining – Emmett – in a convertible. A car that “felt fun”.
This showed up out of the blue, one day while driving to the dog park, but it felt PRETTY DARN NICE. And in a way, it felt ALMOST ENTIRELY REAL.
And soon after that, my old car “Zippy” started acting up, so I sold him.
I really didn’t know, what kind of car I wanted. All I knew was, I kept seeing Emmett, in a convertible, a car that felt fun.
So I started noticing – convertibles showing up around me.
A Volkswagon convertible came up for sale about 3 minutes away from us.
But that didn’t feel right.
A lovely lady at the dog park told me about a very special convertible she owned and might sell, but that didn’t feel right either.
Then one day, on the way to the dog park, we passed a black BMW SUV on the way to the dog park, and THEN I KNEW, I would be driving a BMW. It felt ROCK SOLID inside, me being a BMW owner again.
Time – goes – on.
Nothing shows up, nothing feels quite right. I’m not concerned, because I FEEL what I would feel like – being a BMW owner.
And about a week goes by, and I was standing in the driveway with Victoria, and I did a quick “monologue” of what I was feeling.
“I’d be happy with a REALLY NICE BMW, even one that was hail damaged, but in great shape, running perfectly.”
Side note: Seems like there are two kinds of car owners in our area. Those who drive cars that have had hail damage and those who will.
Because, about every 2 years, BIG HAIL storms seem to come through, and they do – what they do. So in my mind, SUDDENLY, hail is no big deal. And if a car is fixed right, you NEVER see where it was damaged.
(Let’s peek into the INNER WORLD OF Mr Twenty Twenty for a sec..)
I just LOVE getting great deals, doesn’t matter if it’s a great deal on meat, a camera (about 6 weeks ago, I got a goodie new camera), or a car. I just love when “the right thing” shows up a goodie price.
So a day or two goes by, and I find myself COMPULSED to get on the biggest car sales site in Australia. I jump on, put in my parameters, and BOOM. there is my car.
And when I read the description of my car, it said – that it was hail damaged – was repaired perfectly – and is now for sale greatly reduced – by the insurance company.
So we go to see my car, and as soon as I sit in it – I know – this is – my car. Except for one thing, I don’t like the condition of the tires.
I pointed them out to the sales rep who told me that every car on the lot is RACV certified up to spec, and that the tires are fine. I don’t say another word to him, I don’t bargain on the price, I just do two things….
- I tell him I will take the car.
- I feel that my car – has new tires on it.
So, we go inside to do the paperwork…
And then he looks at the computer screen funny, gets a little uncomfortable, and says, “When would you like your car?”
Of course, I tell him TODAY. I’m here, I have money, let’s do it.
He hesitates.
Then he tells us that the car has only been on the lot for 4 days, still needs inspected and certified, and that cars NEVER sell that fast. They JUST put it online, then I showed up.
(Get how COOL this way of life is? It’s not just about “the car” it’s about living this way – every day.)
So, two days later, I am picking up my lovely BMW 325i, which passed the inspection and certification – except for one thing – tires. They HAD to put new tires on, and away we drove.
It’s EASY to manifest – what you REALLY want. And you’ll know when you get to KNOWING what you really want – because it will FEEL REAL. It will feel like a done deal. (Notice in the beginning – that “the convertible felt “almost real”.)
What I really wanted – took a bit of time – for me to – DISCOVER AND DEFINE.
It all started with “Emmett in a convertible”. It ended with me really nailing – what would make me happy.
- The goodie deal.
- The rock solid BMW.
- The goodie story to share with everyone here.
Side note: Would you take a free car?
About 2 weeks ago, I was offered a free Volvo from a friend. A nice car, a solid car. But not a car that FELT right to me. Think about it…
Would you take a free car, in great condition, worth more than the average car you’ve ever owned?
- I didn’t.
- It didn’t feel right.
- It didn’t feel “simple”.
It didn’t TRULY SATISFY me. But it did help me – decide what I didn’t want. A Volvo – just didn’t feel FUN – to me. It didn’t feel PERFECT.
Power Point: Imagine trying to “manifest a job” when what you truly want – is to be in business for yourself. Or try manifesting your ex back – when what you really want is something even more fulfilling. (There is a reason – that they are your ex.)
- Would you be looking forward to your sessions?
- Would you find it easy to live in the state of “your supposed wish”?
- Would it be easy to construct a scene – that would imply – your “wish” was fulfilled?
- Of course not. But many people try to do just that.
So here’s the deal.
Like almost every Success Story here on the site, there are clues left behind.
Study them.
If you want results like we enjoy, do what we do.
We abandoned everything but Neville years ago, and our successes skyrocketed.
And that’s why we share our lives – again and again. This stuff is good fun. And life is meant to be lived – as The Adventure of A Lifetime.
Join us.
Mr Twenty Twenty – Victoria and Emmett
Beautiful story TT. Perfect example of getting clear on exactly what you want and not settling. Thanks
Love it! Its true this is the Way. I have your Manifesting Mastery and Feel it Real. Things always seems to be working Perfect for me. People call me Lucky but I know Feeling it real bought it into being. Thank you for All You do! Appreciate You!!!
Yes, this is a great story indeed. I love the way when you share these (especially your OWN!!) you can break down every step along the way…imagine, step, adjust. Create.
Accept. NEXT.
Love it – inspired me for a great Monday.
Love this! Thank you for sharing your lessons with us!
What a magnificent story, TT! So full of faith, and that is, like you said, ROCK SOLID. What a fabulous reminder.
I tend to get a little down when things take a long time (and there are certain things in my life that take a loooooooooong time.) I can “know” that’s about me and I’m not doing something right, but that doesn’t feel right, so I just read Neville and turn my back on the lions. And lately have been saying to fears and doubts “Get behind me. You are a lion. I close your mouth and command you to take your place BEHIND me, which is your true place (as in “I can get behind that”.)
But this story. Oh my goodness gracious. What a lesson in letting it unfold!
Love and Mighty Wishes for all of you,
Thank you! This is such an encouragement not to ‘settle’ but to really accept and love what makes me happy, what is fun to me, what feels real and right. It is so much fun learning to love being me, to enjoy what I want and like, to not have to explain or defend, but to feel it real and know it’s mine. It’s so much fun to live knowing I AM the person I want to be and I HAVE the life I want to have…it’s REAL! Thank you both for sharing your lives with us. Your giving is changing my life!