Hey mate,
Today, Neville shares with us how to let any obstacle or problem crumble under it’s own weight and disappear from your life – with the Power of Stillness – the Secret of the Sabbath. As we read this passage here, remember the words – “Be still, and know that I Am God”.
“When I can assume the feeling of my wish fulfilled and go to sleep, unconcerned, undisturbed, I am at rest mentally, and am keeping the Sabbath or am blowing the trumpet seven times. And when I reach that point the walls crumble. Circumstances alter then remold themselves in harmony with my assumption. As they crumble I resurrect that which I have appropriated within. The walls, the obstacles, the problems, crumble of their own weight if I can reach the point of stillness within me.” – Neville Goddard
Going to sleep means two things in the teachings of Neville. The first is actually falling asleep physically – knowing that your wish has been fulfilled. You are only waiting for the shadow world of the physical to catch up. So tonight, do a Feel-It-Real session and fall asleep in the state of your wish fulfilled.
The second meaning of falling asleep is to be “at rest mentally” during the day as well. Instead of being frantic, and thinking of possible problems and possible solutions and more possible solutions and more possible problems – you simply are at peace – knowing that you are on this amazing journey – crossing bridges of incident – having accepted your wishes having been fufilled.
Take the time today to Feel-It-Real. Take the time today to enter into the State-Akin-To-Sleep. Take the time today to simply be at peace – knowing that it is done – knowing that you honestly and truly are who you have chosen to be in the world. And allow yourself to enjoy this adventure of a lifetime with us. Many blessings!
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
The Special State Series – Neville Goddard In His Own Voice. Click Here.
Throughout my life that verse has been my favorite and now I finally understand the WHY. Thank you for this wonderful post.
Oh my …. Thankyou for this teaching od a name used in vain… I have always struggled with explaining to peoplw why they are sick or why they are poor.. now i can say it this way… Thankyou.
Simply beautiful once again TT, the reality of this article has put a smile on my face once again. Thanks xxx
my neighbours are not going to be pleased when I start blowing a trumpet 7 times before I go to sleep
You know, one of the things I like so much about Neville is that he never tried to tell anybody that their dreams were foolish or that they shouldn’t want the thing they want. He only showed them how to assume it. Thanks so much for continuing his powerful message.
Brilliant! You have no idea how many problems I’ve solved by just staying calm or even finding time to meditate or just do something else to give my mind something different to focus on.
Very nice. We all need to let the
Good one Dave!
Big love and blessings mate!
TT and V