Today you are going to find out if you are taking the FINAL STEP (that many people miss) that creates rock solid success, or if you are falling just short of that (which is almost a waste of time). Our gift, distilled from the Feel-It-Real-Power-Pack.
But first, lets cover – The Mistake Most People Make: Falling Short Of Success. (Have you been doing this?)
THE MISTAKE: You fall short of success by focusing primarily on “the change” itself. Seeing “the new you” directly – is what we call VISUALIZING. When you do that – you are DIRECTLY SEEING a scene of you changed. This isn’t bad – but it is NOT doing THE FINAL STEP – what Neville said to do during most of his ministry.
“If I go home tonight and conceive a scene that implies the fulfillment of my dream and then lose myself in it, I know that no power in the world can stop its coming into being.” – Neville Goddard Quote
Take Away: Neville says to conceive a scene that IMPLIES the fulfillment of your dream – this is a scene that that follows it (examples below). The reason why we teach this, is because Neville wants you to go to where the POWER is:
“Now, the power of any imaginal act is in its implication. If he (your friend) is congratulating you on your good fortune, then you must have already received it, so accept his congratulation as a fact. Do that and you have subjectively appropriated your objective hope.” – Neville Goddard
Take Away: Neville didn’t focus all that much on “the good fortune” itself. He focused primarily on what IMPLIES that you ALREADY HAVE the good fortune.
EXCITING EXAMPLES: If you want to manifest a car, imagine CHEERFULLY AND EASILY paying the insurance on your new car. If you want to manifest a relationship, imaging taking your 5 year anniversary trip with your loved one to someplace amazing.
Notice how my scenes IMPLY that it is done, and that they continue to be a lovely part of my life.
- If this lesson expands your understanding of Neville – or reminds you of something that you have forgotten to do in the past – you can dial it up a level higher with the Feel-It-Real-PowerPack – and the Neville Goddard Prosperity Pack today.
Yes, you are worth it, and your dreams can come true. Just follow the formula,
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
PS: Grandpa used to say, learning is NOT a new thought – true learning is changing your behavior. Changing what you are doing – so you get what you want in life. You are learning new behaviors – congratulations mate!
Perfect timing 20 20 Much thanks!
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