Often blessings get delayed (or totally sidetracked) because of little mistakes people make. Today, we are going to learn what Neville really means when he says we must have a strong desire for the wish fulfilled. Let’s dive into the words of Neville Goddard now.
“Awake, you are aware of the thoughts you are creating every moment of time, and carry this awareness into your dream world. You will not falter, for – knowing the world you want to build and its cause – you will be constantly aware of what you are imagining. You will no longer seek your desires among things, but will turn within to find they are all waiting to be fulfilled in God’s temple.” – Neville Goddard Quote.
Notice how Neville says once you become constantly aware of what you are imagining – you will no longer SEEK – but will turn within – to discover what you want is waiting to be fulfilled in “God’s Temple” which is you.
“Don’t despair. You are destined to awaken one day as God, who created and sustains the universe.” – Neville Goddard Quote
So today, Follow The Formula – and remember to always come from the state of DESTINED, which is what true desire leads to within. Here is a great little recording to help you with just that.
Frantic or Orgasmic – Desperate or Destined – Click Here
Many Blessings to you today,
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria