“It has been two months now that i have discovered your books and i am a true believer in the message. I am a fan of your work. but in my personal life I have a real intense longing for making new and beautiful friends in my life. I want to know how it feels to have so many friends care for me , wish me on my birthdays , to hang out with them , to share happiness and laughter. I have a trouble finding the answer and the method to realize my desire. Could you please help me realize my desire?” G. C. J.
Today’s Neville Goddard lesson gives us an important lesson in habits, making it happen and eliminating frustration. Sometimes, being too intense or intense in the wrong way can actually block your blessing. Let’s dive into the words of Neville:
“Habit is the only thing that keeps our thoughts moving along the old familiar negative ruts. No one can change your thought patterns, and therefore your life, but you. It is worth all the effort it may take to center your attention and feel as if you already possess that which you want in place of things as they are. Consciousness is the only cause and the only reality.” – Neville Goddard
The first habit you need to develop is the habit of moving the intense longing for your ideal, into the state of intensely feeling it as real now. Intense longing (for friends) reinforces longing by creating intense feelings not having them – in your body and in the rest of the universe. On the other hand, intensely feeling it real now (the fellowship), will bring you profound relief, and open you up to noticing the bridges being built into your life that will create and generate your ideal. Let’s continue with the words of Neville.
“Every negative experience was produced by first giving attention and feeling to that condition. What consciousness has made, it can unmake. Your responsibility is to impress upon your mind the change you wish to express. Your imagination is the creative power that can and will accomplish the end without effort and in a natural way.” – Neville Goddard
What you put your intention and emotion on, you keep creating in your life. The good news is that what you created before, you can unmake, by simply entering into the state of already having your desired ideal embodied in you and in your world.
We made the Create The State recordings to help you leave behind feelings of desperation, and enter more fully into the feelings and state of destined and “it is done”. Give them a listen by clicking on the link. Even the first 9 minutes that are our gift will help you. And remember to feel the feeling of thankfulness – combined with the feeling of relief – while you experience what it would be like – if you had the friendship and fellowship you have wished for. Those are the two universal feelings that are a part of every state of the wish fulfilled.
Have an amazing day and remember to fully feel your ideal as real.
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
Power Explained – 45 Jam Packed Pages – Lessons like these that will change your life. Click here.
You Create The State – Click Here
Great advice to transfer the intensity of desire to the intensity of "it's real". This is quite helpful.
What a service you are providing. Never thought I’d be able to read references to Jesus or God and not feel such confusion from my strict upbringing as a Christian. But this is so understandable. Thanks for all you do.
Thank you, great read! =)
Simply love it!! THANK YOU:)