“I don’t know why I got fired last week. I NEVER imagined that coming. Everything was going great when all of the sudden….” – Oscar.
Hi Oscar,
There are a few reasons why “bad things happen to good people”…
…according to Neville. From the rest of your email (not quoted here – it sounds like you might want to dive into this quote of Neville’s today and the lessons we share below. Let’s dive in.
“One day I was fired from J. C. Penney Co. Working for a year and a half, running their elevator and being their errand boy, making $22. a week and paying $5. room rent, I could not understand it when they let me go.”
“But my dreams, my desires, transcended my position there, so they had to do what they did in order for my desires to be realized. Believe me, you are the cause of the phenomena of your life – be it good, bad or indifferent.” – Neville Goddard
I knew when I took my first Kempo Karate lesson…
…,that I would be a well known black belt and expert in the martial arts world.
So my first instructor quit when I was a blue belt – about a year or so in. He not only quit, he moved FAR FAR away.
But, because I held true to my vision…
….that’s when I met my second instructor Lynn, who taught me elements of another system Kun Tao. Learning Kun Tao early on helped me become a much better and effective Kempo black belt and instructor – because I had something similar – but very different in ways – to compare and contrast it to.
Lynn started seriously dating, and training…
…and teaching me went into the back ground. This was good, because even though I learned a lot from him, Lynn was only a brown belt – and couldn’t give me rank tests.
But I imagined already BEING a black belt…
…and so I kept the faith. Seeing the results in imagination of me being an amazing Black Belt, and soon after that is when I met my original Instructor’s Instructor, Bob. Who I trained with until I got my 2nd degree black belt. At that time I began to hunger for something different and guess what – Bob quit teaching and I found…..
You get the point, I kept manifesting…
…new instructors – AFTER having the old ones quit. Because even though my instructors kept quitting – I DIDN’T.
But odds are I wouldn’t have went out seeking my next new instructor – while I had an instructor. So I got what I needed – 4 instructors in a row who taught me heaps – then who retired so I could move on to the next adventure.
Every time an instructor retired I had a choice…
I could quit or remain faithful to my vision. Sometimes “bad things” are really bridges of incident in disguise. They are part of what gets you from here – to there – and you can’t possibly figure that out when it’s happening. Your job isn’t to figure it out – your job is to live in the end – to remain faithful to the state of your wish fulfilled.
It’s just like how I manifested being taken hostage in the Camp Hill Prison Riots in 1989. I wasn’t dwelling in being beaten to death and getting PTSD. Far from it. I was secretly STILL seeing myself as a teacher – one who’s life and teachings impacted multitudes.”
“I was taken hostage, beat to death and diagnosed with PTSD – so I could truly master this stuff and a few other interesting things that I needed to take my life back from PTSD – so I could become a very effective teacher and trainer.
Neville got fired from being the elevator operator…
While working in law enforcement, I got beat to death and diagnosed with PTSD. Neither of us “dwelled in the state of crap” for that to happen.
We both dwelled in a state of great service and success.
- Are you dwelling in the state of your vision – the state of your wish fulfilled?
- Are you remaining faithful to your VISION – even when your challenges show up?
- Do you truly KNOW you are destined for the success and happiness you have desired?
Some people teach this stuff from the “you can manifest a new car” perspective. Of course you can do that, we’ve done it – so have others in our programs. Look at their stories and their testimonials.
But we choose to take it deeper.
Reminding you that you can TOTALLY reinvent you. (GREAT ARTICLE!)
You can become who you have chosen to be in the world – just Follow The Formula.
And remember mate, when “bad things” happen…
…sometimes they are part of the bridge of incident needed – to move you onto greatness – the greatness you truly desire – the greatness you truly are. But don’t burn the BRIDGE by dwelling in the loss – remain faithful to your vision – remain faithful to the truth about you.
Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria
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HUNDREDS OF SUCCESS STORIES – Let’s share your story next!
Hi TT & V!
I read my last Session 90 and somehow I was shocked it was the End, but excited for this new Beginning too!
This new deeper dive and discovery has exponentially created such a shift in me.
Every day I notice how I am “giving meaning”…but, it’s that I notice that I notice too! I notice how I am in different states and how easily it is to move from one to the other.
It feels more and more natural. My thoughts and my words are moving in a new direction.
Your program brought it all to life for me and I am so grateful!
I always felt like all things were possible, but know I know all things are limitless!! I will always cherish the sessions as precious gems!
I can’t even tell you how powerful, peaceful & loving I feel. I feel so wealthy right now:)
Thank you…xo
Jane from Michigan – Manifesting Mastery Course Graduate
Aaah yes, wonderful article.
Brilliant post. Very positive and when realising that this now, is a bridge of incident, and bridges are transversed, not dwelt upon/in, wow, rocks the world. Thank you.
This rocks! Thank-you 20/20.
I love this too – who can’t relate to the questioning when we fall, or get pushed…down. Yes – when we get it, and hold it, choose it when it doesn’t seem to flow the natural course… we develop our habit of well being.
So the “bad” doesn’t fell/seem/be interpreted as “bad” – but rather, next. pay attention. this is for you. it is good.
Perhaps AS we get more attentive to this…we require less than the riots to notice when we are out of sorts/out of alignment.
Next to you, the most “enlightened” friend in my life had a simple mantra – may my lessons be gentle.
Walkin’ across the bridge – yes Pauline! love it!
Loved this. And so true. Everything happens the way it’s supposed to. When one door closes, another opens. Awesome. Lila
I wonder what the next incident on the bridge will bring me… 🙂
Hi 20/20
Thought all was going well putting together a business and then something happened…bad…
There’s a saying in a movie from India “If it’s not perfect then it’s not the end!” It is so Goddardish!
So I say to my business partner, “If it’s not perfect (as we intended in our mind)then it’s not the end!”
We instantly talked of Goddard…moved on from that ‘bad’ and continued on.
I returned to the computer and there was the message from you confirming our thoughts.
Thank you as always.
Barbara Cairns
Thanks. Sometimes we intend to lose focus. To read these daily lessons remind me to remember the vision and to stay focussed.
re-reading this months later – it is even more poignant and on target, relevant to me. THANKS TT and V. Bridges…bridges…yes~
nevile goddard
Hi 20 20, glad I am being illuminated by your constant uplifting and life-changing insights. The contents of me have shifted since encountering your teachings. I have done away with so many craps programmed into me both consciously and unconsciously. I am the OPERANT power.
Great lesson! As I look back over the time since I’ve been plugged in here, I can see with every desire I’ve had, like to become healed, refocus my life creatively or attract certain things, the bridges to those things weren’t always pleasant, some were very painful and long lasting even, but now I can see that those were the things that made me dig in and refuse to give up without realizing they were actually bringing me closer to my desires. Amazing stuff! Now when something negative comes up, it’s easier to get through it because I know that It’s an opportunity for a growth spurt.
Very true. thank you for this article and your story, its a great way to look at change good and bad.
after starting shotokan karate i wasnt as confident as you but it grew and grew achieving my 3rd degree black belt and keeping the peace for 5 years actually using my karate 14 times at local nite clubs and bars i realize i always kept my vision alive. Starting my Superfoot Walace training april 22 wish you could come.
Good on you mate!
Tell Bill hello from me.