Good Morning from Pennsylvania, USA
I just finished Session 28. I have taken two days to finish this one because I wanted to go back and review before I emailed you.
I truly love your examples.
Session 22 The Magic Moment- I can relate to many things I manifested to get where I am now. I didn’t know that was what I was doing, but now I do.
Session 23 – The Decision- This one made me rethink a lot about work. There were several things I wanted to do, but because of money I thought I couldn’t do them. I started thinking but what is best for my members. In order for me to do what I want I have to have more members. This week I decided to walk in the state and do what I really wanted to. I also listened to the video on doubling the money. I’m really living from the state my checkbook balance is doubled. This week I had 6 new members come in. Believe me I felt the sensation of having new members and the emotion of how great this feels!! I realized I need to walk more in the state of my checkbook doubling because I will have the freedom to do so much more with the members. I usually only have one person on staff at all times but with the membership doubling I can be there with another staff member and have the freedom to work the hours we are most busy. This would free up more time for me to study Neville’s teaching more.
Session 24-I had been having trouble deciding where to start in manifesting exactly what I want, but this week it came together. I’m focused on my membership doubling and also focusing on members who truly want to work out. I see my circuit full every hour. We have an area director who congratulates me (and my daughter) in my feel it real sessions.
Session 25 -Stop Slowing Down- All the data is in the past!!! I was brought up in a wonderful home with parents who loved me. I went to a Church of the Brethren where my grandfather preached 50 years and everything sent you to hell. I was so programed. I would love to hear him preach now and really listen to what he said. I would look at it so differently. He preached in the only way he knew how. I have been so blessed. I feel like I have been “chosen” to know there is so much more to life. If things wouldn’t have happened to me in the way they did I could still be there and would have been judging everyone I talked to.
Session 26- Fix the System not the Symptom- I Am the Millionaire Multiplier. This session helped me to be more focused on the creating my state.
Session 27 – Looking Up – Loved this exercise. I want to do this everyday.
When I first started I thought I would breeze thru each session. I even emailed and asked if you could get them over to me earlier. This is life changing for me and I realize I have to take my time. I love this so much. I truly love Neville. I mentioned to you that we are going on vacation. We leave Sept 28 for a week. I’m going to apply all the lessons so far and not try to study anything while I’m gone. This is such good stuff.
Thank You So Much,
P.S. The coffee cup on your web site…Great… It gives you a feeling.. I love coffee.