Here's why you can't quit...

Hey mate!,

You can quit forcing…

But you can’t quit feeling it real…


You can quit that…

And you should…

The sooner you quit forcing the faster your fun is gonna be…

Real Results Matter…

If your manifesting feels forceful, you aren’t doing what we do…

(Week 1 of MM is Week 1 for a reason…)

And it shows you how this REALLY works…

Let that sink in…

Most people email us because theu struggle to change something….

Something that could ACTUALLY change quite easily – when you change what easily changes….

They try to use WILL POWER to change…

What they do…

What others do…

Why they feel – what’s happening is happening…

That last one gets a bit loopy…

But lets keep going….

Neville says IMAGINATION is not about “will power”.

Imagination is about something far more gentle and lovely…


You are imagining – 24 / 7.

And what you imagine – accept as true – 24 / 7 is what determines your day…

And what you imagine – about you and your world – 24 / 7 can be changed…

But you can’t change it – the way most people try to…

That’s exhausting…

And when people get tired of struggling….

That’s when MANY good people start ADDING in silly shit…

Instead of SUBTRACTING what’s causing – STRUGGLE…

Forcing it real – is not feeling it real…

And maybe you’ve noticed – we’re BIG on fun here…

There’s a reason why we call the show…


So as the birds began their birdsong…

I did my JOGO session today….

And then I bounded out of bed to make coffee and unleash the hounds…. Those two love running the fence and winding up the wildlife…

And when the coffee was perfect, I sat down and looked at the computer…

Not one, not two….

But 3 really cool success stories in my inbox…

Awaiting my smiles…

One, a hopeless lost and found…

(Shit that should have been stolen, might have been even…. Now safe and sound… Back in the New York Groove!)

Another, a regular client of ours got THE BIG DEAL they had been WAITING for….

They stopped doing something…..

That was stopping their blessing…

And the third just tugged at my heart strings….

More on that, later…

If they let me, I’ll share them….


I’ve got 3 goodies for you today….

If you haven’t – do – Click here!

Every one of those wins I mentioned, came from folks who LOVE doing Manifesting Mastery.

All of them too….

Have told me how much THAT COURSE changed their lives…

Most folks who send us regular wins, do MM more than once…

And we don’t charge them a dime for that….

Because it’s good fun for us too…


You need to nail…. – Click Here!

Because at the LEVEL OF IDENTITY CHANGE is what changes – everything.

Maybe you’ve noticed my personal transformation this year….

According to the data, I’ve age regressed 1 year every month this year….

And I feel like it….

And I look like it too….

Pretty much every day I get compliments…

I’m a pretty well known fella around town now…

That’s another win for me, after moving here from around the world 14 years ago….

But anyway….

When you change your IDENTITY your activity – all activity in your life…

Your actions and the actions of all those around you – changes effortlessly…


But if you try to change ACTIVITY….

WHAT YOU DO or what other people do…

Manifesting often becomes an act of will power….. FORCE replaces FEELING….

So get that Identity Based Manifesting pack…..

Because if you’ve been paying attention…

I haven’t forced any change in my life…

And I’m having heaps more fun..

And getting younger by the day….

Even the data proves it!

And finally….

Book Your One on One here….

Because sooo many folks miss “The Magic Moment” to manifest from….

So they end up either making movies….

Or they end up trying to make something feel real, that never feels quite right…

And we can help with that….


You can quit forcing…

You can’t quit Feeling It Real….

Because you really are the Captain of your ship.

You really truly are the Pilot of your plane.

And for the rest of your life – you are gonna FEEL something as real…

Might as well NAIL how to live this way…

Instead of struggling for another day…

Because YOU are how God has the Adventure of a Lifetime!

We imagine your smiles!

TT and V

Coffee time on the verandah…

PS: Seems to me there are 3 options….

1. Keep doing what you’ve been doing – and expect something different to happen.

2. Try to figure it out all on your own. That’s okay if you have all the time in the world and aren’t in any “rush”.

3. Get the help you need….

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